5 ways the Stock Market will make you wealthy
I love the stock market. For all its flaws, and the angst we feel when it goes down, it is the most reliable long-term road to riches available to most …
I love the stock market. For all its flaws, and the angst we feel when it goes down, it is the most reliable long-term road to riches available to most …
A bank I worked for paid an advertising agency hundreds of thousands of dollars to come up with a new slogan to excite customers. It was a big deal. The …
It was fascinating to see major companies like Coke and Delta jump into Georgia election law politics earlier this year. By taking sides they made many of their customers mad. …
I got stuck in a conversation at a dinner party last week with a name dropper. It was painful. I’m sure you’ve been in similar situations. Wanting to impress me, …
Even before Covid the news was stunning of just how fragile the average American’s finances are. When a government shutdown occurred in January 2019, one report said 78% of workers …
I’m a conservative person, but sometimes even I see the need to change. For example, I belonged to a high-profile service organization for many years. They are very proud of …
I’m not much of a lawbreaker. But one Halloween some of my teenage buddies and I were having a great time throwing water balloons at trick or treaters. It was …
I learned the power of a flashing red light one night when I was flying home. My company had chartered a small prop plane for several executives and me. With …
When I was growing up my parents took me to a church where I heard a lot of scary sermons. Perhaps taking a little too much liberty with some symbolic …
One of my favorite quotes that sums up last year is, “2020 is like looking both ways before crossing the street then getting hit by an airplane.” I just got …